Sunday, August 5, 2007

Home Design like an aeroplane

747 Home in Malibu (home like a plane )

I like planes, but I'd never want to live in one. Not even my father, a pilot, would want to spend that much time in a plane. Granted, the parts are being integrated into a house, it's not like this homeowner will actually live in the plane, but hey, whatever. What appears to be an update on a story we covered back in November, AFP is reporting that a Malibu land owner purchased a 747 from an airplane graveyard and is moving it to his 55 acre plot in Cali. The cockpit will be a meditation room, the main house will utilize the wings for what looks like an awning, and the plane's first-class upstairs lounge will be a loft. The picture doesn't provide much detail, but it seems interesting none-the-less.

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